One of the biggest changes on the website coming with ORF 5 will be the introduction of a brand new Client Portal which will replace the Customers Area currently used on our website. The online services will add number of features and integrate others. Some features are a direct result of changes in the licensing while others are usability improvements to improve your ORF experience. Here is a quick summary of 2 key features:
Managing multiple companies
First some technical background. After the launch of ORF 5, customer accounts will be disassembled into individual user accounts and company accounts. This will allow role based management of company accounts and management of multiple company accounts by a single user. In order to facilitate this, users managing multiple company accounts will be able to select which company they want to work with within the Client Portal.

In the screenshot above, you can see the website header which will be the basis for navigating through your companies where ever you are on the website. Clicking the “Change” button (2) will show a dialog where all manageable companies are listed with some key information in order to make identification easier. From then its just a click of a button to make the selection the active company on the Client Portal.
License Management
A separate licenses page will give an overview of the licenses handled by your company. The list is ordered by date and the individual license details can be opened and closed using a simple chevron mechanic. An overview of the licenses can also be found on the My Company: Overview page as well to give you a quick glance at the status of your licenses. If one or more of the licenses are within the renewal period, you can renew your license from here with one click of a button.
This concludes the quick sneak-peek at some of the features of the Client Portal. Stay tuned for more next week.