We are updating the Out-Of-Office email subject samples for ORF 5 and collected more samples from more languages.
If you speak any of the languages displayed below and you can verify the credibility of the samples, it would be appreciated if you can comment on this blog entry. Also, if you have anything to add, please let us know.
Croatian: Odsutan:
Czech: Mimo kancelář
Danish: Automatisk svar ved fravær
Danish/Norwegian (alternative version): Ikke til stede
Dutch: Niet aanwezig:
English (alternative version #1): Automatic reply from:
English (alternative version #2): Out of office
Finnish: Olen lomalla
French (alternative version): Absence du bureau
German (alternative version): Abwesend:
Italian: Risposta automatica Fuori sede
Latvian: Ārpus biroja
Icelandic: Fjarverandi:
Polish (alternative version): Poza biurem
Portuguese (alternative version): Ausência Temporária
Slovenian: Odsoten:
Spanish: Fuera de la oficina
Swedish: Frånvaro, autosvar
-French/English: “Absent – Out of office”
-French: “est absent” or “est absente” or “est absent(e)”
-“está ausente de la oficina”
-“är inte på kontoret”
@dsy: Thank you.
Finnish Outlook out of office reply subject starts with: “Automaattinen poissaolovastaus”
Russian – Автоматический ответ от: (version #1)
Russian – Нахожусь вне офиса (version #2)
Latvian(alternative version #1): Automātiskā atbilde no
Latvian(alternative version #1): Ārpus biroja
Thanks for everyone!