The focus is now on the Reporting Tool of ORF 3.0. We already got the tool backbone, most supporting code and now reports are being designed. See below how it looks so far.
The GUI misses lots of functionality, from report generation (the above report has real data from a real client, but it was generated outside of the Reporting Tool) to navigation or printing, but we are closer to the 3.0 release than ever :)
This is the one of the most fun parts of software development. Small cog-wheels like PowerLogs, log preprocessing and reporting code get integrated and the engine slowly starts working. It is noisy, emissions are high, fuel leaks, but it finally works! :)
Marvellous! I’ve just sent the pic to some colleagues, and over here in Brussels there’s some happy faces to be seen!
Thanks :) I hope you are going to like the final look and the contents as well.
Well, if the final look is going to be even better, it’s time for me to go & ask for a contract modification :))